Total Phrases- 4513
13 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Going to sleep after a long day

  1. I’m pooped and totally worn out, and I’m going to hit the sack.
  2. I’m no worse off for wear and tear.
  3. Time just flies when you’re having fun.
  4. There’s only so many hours in the day.
  5. Tomorrow’s another day.
  6. It’s as good a time as any.
  7. At one point you just have to call it day.
  8. I’m bushed, I think I’m going to hit the sack.

Going to sleep after a long day

14 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

I think they should play more classical music on the local radio station

  1. That would be a step in the right direction.
  2. That seems like a reasonable idea.
  3. That’s exactly in line with my thinking.
  4. That’s a great idea.
  5. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  6. I think they should give it a try.
  7. I’d like that.

I think they should play more classical music on the local radio station

15 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-2

  1. Don’t beat around the bush.
  2. You’re playing hard to get.
  3. I’m going to hold you to it.
  4. By the look in your eyes you look as if your mind is a thousand miles away.
  5. You’re putting words in my mouth.
  6. Don’t hold it over my head.
  7. You’re stretching it a bit.
  8. Is there something you’re not telling me?
  9. Face up to it.
  10. Would you slow down, I can’t get a word in edge wise.

Try to negotiate correctly & fairly-2

16 of 402

In-negative / Confusion url

Taking a test without having studied

  1. It doesn’t ring a bell, it doesn’t sound familiar.
  2. What am I going to do now?
  3. I feel I don’t have much of choice.
  4. I’ve got to go through with it, and I’m hoping for the best.
  5. I hope I recognize some of the things I’m presented with.
  6. What should I do?
  7. What I am doing this for?

Taking a test without having studied

17 of 402

In-negative / Confusion url

Waking up after a deep sleep.

  1. I fell into a deep sleep, and when I woke up I was so disoriented that for a short while I couldn’t remember where I was.
  2. My mind is going in ten different directions.
  3. I don’t know what to make of it.
  4. What time is it?
  5. How did I get here?
  6. I could use a breath of fresh air.
  7. What’s going on here?
  8. I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with it right now.
  9. I don’t feel like myself.
  10. I’m so tired, I can hardly see straight.

Waking up after a deep sleep.

18 of 402

Out-positive / Concern url

After a friend found out that a mistake he made led to internet identity theft

  1. I feel bad for you.
  2. You’ve been taken to the cleaners.
  3. You left yourself wide open.
  4. You’re as white as a sheet.
  5. Your temperature is quite high, and I can feel by your forehead that you’re burning up, so why don’t you just lie down and take it easy for a while until you feel better.
  6. You’re an old softy.
  7. Now you’ve really gotten yourself into a pickle.
  8. I don’t like the sound of this.
  9. You’re nothing but a push over.

After a friend found out that a mistake he made led to internet identity theft

19 of 402

Out-positive / Encouragement url

For a friend who just got engaged

  1. This a golden opportunity, in fact an opportunity of a lifetime.
  2. It’s going to take effort to make it succeed, but there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
  3. You’re such a fine judge of character.
  4. You’ve got a lot to look forward to.
  5. I’m glad it worked out for you.
  6. Lucky for you.
  7. This could be the most important thing you ever did in your life.
  8. Keep the home fires burning.

For a friend who just got engaged

20 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Do you think we’d be healthier if we used the staircase instead of the elevator?

  1. You couldn’t be more right.
  2. Of course!
  3. I bet you’re right.
  4. It’s worth a try.
  5. I’m all in.
  6. I’ll go along with that.
  7. Now that's a great idea!
  8. That stands to reason.

Do you think we’d be healthier if we used the staircase instead of the elevator?

21 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

You will regret this

  1. You’ll be sorry.
  2. You can dish it out but you can’t take it.
  3. You’ll pay for this.
  4. You can’t get away with that.
  5. You had it coming to you.
  6. You deserve everything you get.

You will regret this

22 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

Do you mind if I take the car to shop for food?

  1. That’s fine with me.
  2. By all means.
  3. Be my guest.
  4. That’s cool with me.
  5. I don’t mind at all.

Do you mind if I take the car to shop for food?

23 of 402

In-neutral / Caution url

A friend giving you investment advice

  1. It’s a tough world out there.
  2. It might be worth investigating.
  3. I don’t think I should press my luck.
  4. I’m going to have to play it by ear.
  5. There’s something fishy going on here.
  6. I can just put two and two together.
  7. I feel I should just leave it well enough alone.
  8. A little birdie is whispering to me to look before I leap.
  9. I could be leaving myself wide open.
  10. I find it all hard to believe.
  11. It seems too good to be true.
  12. I shouldn’t put all my eggs in one basket.
  13. Tell me, why is it worth the risk?
  14. There might be a fly in the ointment.
  15. If you're wrong, it could all blow sky high, and I'd be the one holding the bag.
  16. That’s all pie in the sky.

A friend giving you investment advice

24 of 402

In-negative / Doubt url

Someone offers you original painting for 1/10th the price

  1. I suspect that you have something up in your sleeve.
  2. Give me a break!
  3. You must be kidding me.
  4. What’s the catch?
  5. I’ve heard that song and dance story before.
  6. Do you mean to tell me that you’re up to your old tricks again?
  7. Are you trying to pull a fast one?
  8. That sounds too good to be true.
  9. What do you take me for?

Someone offers you original painting for 1/10th the price