Total Phrases- 4513
109 of 402

In-negative / Desperation url

House flooded by hurricane

  1. I feel like my whole world is slowly coming apart at the seams.
  2. It’s even worse than I thought.
  3. I can’t stand it anymore.
  4. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.
  5. Take me away from here.
  6. Why does everything always happen to me?
  7. Wake me when it’s over.
  8. When it rains it pours.
  9. What's the use?
  10. That was the straw that broke the camels back.
  11. It really threw me for a loop.

House flooded by hurricane

110 of 402

Out-positive / Agreement url

How would you like to eat in the Italian restaurant tonight?

  1. I think that would be a good idea.
  2. Whatever you want.
  3. It's as good a place as any.
  4. We're thinking along the same lines.
  5. I'll drink to that.
  6. I'd be delighted.
  7. Whatever you want is fine with me.
  8. Sound’s good to me.

How would you like to eat in the Italian restaurant tonight?

111 of 402

In-negative / Explaining url

Throwing out a bag of laundry by mistake

  1. How was I supposed to know?
  2. What did I do this time?
  3. That never would have occurred to me.
  4. I wish I had known.
  5. I had no way of knowing.
  6. OK, I’m not perfect.
  7. I apologize profusely.
  8. It was totally unintentional.
  9. There’s nothing I can do about it now.
  10. My humble apologies.
  11. Sorry about that.
  12. If I knew what I was doing, I certainly wouldn’t have done it.
  13. I certainly didn’t do it on purpose.
  14. They looked so similar that I had no way of knowing.
  15. It came as a surprise to me.
  16. I’m awfully sorry.
  17. How was I supposed to know that?

Throwing out a bag of laundry by mistake

112 of 402

In-positive / Realizing url

The day after a stock market crash

  1. I may not understand all the details, but I get the general idea and see the big picture.
  2. I could see it coming a mile away.
  3. It stands to reason.
  4. By process of elimination it’s the only answer that makes sense.
  5. So there you have it.
  6. I had a hunch we were getting very close to the end.
  7. We’ve been all through this before, and it’s deja-vu all over again.
  8. By the time it dawned on us, it was too late.
  9. It looks like we’re going to have to start from scratch.
  10. These things just sneak up on you.
  11. I see this as a wakeup call.
  12. This really taught me a lesson that I won’t quickly forget.
  13. I'm going to have to re-examine and think through all of my assumptions.
  14. It's very sobering.
  15. It happened when I least suspected it.
  16. I wonder why I didn't see that coming.
  17. I turned a blind eye to all the warning signals.

The day after a stock market crash

113 of 402

In-positive / Determination url

Musician practicing

  1. I have my work cut out for me.
  2. When I put my mind to it I can do anything!
  3. It’s a tough road ahead, but mark my word, I'm going to make it.
  4. I’m determined to show the true grit that is part of my DNA.
  5. Let’s rise to the occasion.
  6. I am coming up to speed, slowly but surely.

Musician practicing

114 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You will win

  1. I’m at your mercy.
  2. You saw through me.
  3. You’ve got me in the palm of your hand.
  4. I’ve painted myself into a corner that I can’t get out of.
  5. OK, I give in, you win, what’s next?
  6. You’re making out like a bandit.
  7. You have me over a barrel.

You will win

115 of 402

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Don’t let your attitude interfere

  1. Don’t be a stickler for details.
  2. Don’t get all huffy.
  3. Don’t make a federal case out of it.
  4. Please get to the point, and don’t beat around the bush.
  5. Don’t make such a big production of it.
  6. You can’t pass judgment.
  7. You are blowing things out of proportion.
  8. You’re as stubborn as a mule.

Don’t let your attitude interfere

116 of 402

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Asking someone for a date, and being told no

  1. I’m hearing the message loud and clear.
  2. All’s fair in love and war.
  3. Time heals all wounds.
  4. I could have guessed as much.
  5. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.
  6. It doesn’t matter to me in the least.
  7. I get the drift.
  8. That’s just the way people are.
  9. I don’t really mind.
  10. Love makes the world go around.
  11. Your wish is my command.
  12. You can’t say I didn’t try.

Asking someone for a date, and being told no

117 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. You best be on your way.
  2. Play it till the hilt.
  3. Your choice is clear.
  4. You can sink or swim.
  5. Don’t hold yourself back.
  6. You’ve got nothing to lose.
  7. Why don’t you give it a try?
  8. The early bird catches the worm.
  9. Try and patch things up.
  10. Set your sights high.
  11. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.


118 of 402

Out-negative / Anger url

Shut up

  1. Keep your big mouth shut.
  2. Don’t talk behind my back.
  3. Don’t be coarse.
  4. Don’t snap at me.
  5. I don’t like your tone of voice.
  6. Shut your trap.
  7. You have a foul mouth.
  8. Take that back.

Shut up

119 of 402

In-negative / Explaining url

Refusing to lie on a tax return to save money

  1. What did you expect me to do?
  2. That’s not my style.
  3. Why should I take the risk?
  4. I do what I have to do.
  5. I’m doing it just to be on the safe side.
  6. It’s taking all my will power to resist.
  7. I was holding on by a thread.
  8. I think it's the best thing to do.
  9. My hands are tied.
  10. It’s out of my hands.
  11. I’m conflicted about it.
  12. I shudder when I think of the downside of doing this.
  13. I’d rather play it safe.
  14. It's the right thing to do.
  15. I just can’t take the chance.
  16. The risks far outweigh the benefits.
  17. The way I look at it, I really don’t have much of a choice.
  18. I can’t see myself doing that.

Refusing to lie on a tax return to save money

120 of 402

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Look before you leap.
  2. You’ve got to take it with a grain of salt.
  3. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
  4. Don’t quit your day job.
  5. I wouldn’t touch that with a ten foot pole.
  6. It’s going to be harder and take longer than you anticipate.
  7. That's better left unsaid.
  8. There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip.
  9. Take a closer look.
  10. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
  11. Don’t take chances.
  12. You’re going to be sorry.
  13. Curiosity killed the cat.
  14. You should know better than that.
  15. He’s all bark and no bite.
  16. Better to be safe than sorry.
  17. Even though he’s well intentioned, he ends up doing a lot of damage anyway.
  18. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  19. Let's keep on the safe side.
  20. That is vastly overrated.
