Total Phrases- 1175

Scenes of Out-neutral

37 of 98

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Don’t let the cat out of the bag.
  2. Don’t make matters worse.
  3. Keep it under your hat.
  4. Get a hold of yourself.
  5. Just try not to go overboard doing it, both in terms of time and money.
  6. Get control of yourself.
  7. Button your lip.
  8. Try and get a hold of yourself.
  9. I know that may feel good to speak your mind and get things off your chest, but sometimes it’s better just to bite your tongue.


38 of 98

Out-neutral / Advice url

Lighten up

  1. Don’t work so hard.
  2. Do it the easy way.
  3. Lighten up.
  4. Don’t take it so seriously.
  5. Why make things more complicated than they really are?
  6. Take the easy way out.

Lighten up

39 of 98

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

I don’t understand your point

  1. That doesn’t make any sense to me.
  2. That has nothing to do with it.
  3. I don’t know what you’re talking about.
  4. Where are you coming from?
  5. You’d have to be a fool to think that.
  6. Anyone with half a brain knows that.
  7. That’s a little hard to swallow.
  8. That's neither here nor there.
  9. You’re being simple minded.
  10. I’m not convinced.
  11. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
  12. That’s out of the question.
  13. We don't see eye to eye.
  14. Do expect me to take that seriously.

I don’t understand your point

40 of 98

Out-neutral / Advice url

Trust yourself

  1. You know what’s best.
  2. You ought to know.
  3. Let your conscience be your guide.
  4. But if it feels good do it.
  5. Go with your gut.
  6. Ask yourself how you really feel about it, and base your decision on that.

Trust yourself

41 of 98

Out-neutral / Observation url


  1. Birds of a feather flock together.
  2. Blood is thicker than water.
  3. Actions speaks louder than words.
  4. It’s raining cats and dogs.
  5. News travels fast.
  6. It’s all in a day’s work.
  7. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  8. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  9. There’s a lot of that going around.
  10. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  11. It’s on its last legs.
  12. What goes around, comes around.


42 of 98

Out-neutral / Advice url

Be open-minded about other people

  1. He’s a cut above.
  2. I’m sure he’d be glad to do what you want.
  3. He has a mind of his own.
  4. She’s a tough cookie, but if you have patience, she’s something worth waiting for.
  5. I must admit, that even though it may not appear that way at first glance, that there’s a certain logic to what he’s saying.
  6. Don’t pass judgement.
  7. Two heads are better than one.
  8. If you can’t beat them, join them.
  9. She’s giving you every chance under the sun.
  10. I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it.

Be open-minded about other people

43 of 98

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

You’re not negotiating well-3

  1. That’s a low blow.
  2. I have to watch you like a hawk.
  3. I feel like I’m being rail-roaded into it.
  4. Who are you trying to kid?
  5. I don’t trust you any more than I can throw you.
  6. Now you’re showing your true colors.
  7. Don’t point the finger at me.
  8. I’ll give you one more chance.
  9. Why open up old wounds?
  10. I know how you operate.
  11. Where do you come from saying something like that to me?
  12. Wait just one cotton pickin’ minute.
  13. That’s the dumbest thing I ever heard.
  14. I suspect that you might have an ace up your sleeve.

You’re not negotiating well-3

44 of 98

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

I’m trying to see your viewpoint-1

  1. What are you trying to say?
  2. I’ll think about it.
  3. I’m open to your suggestions.
  4. I’m trying to see it through your eyes.
  5. I’m willing to learn.
  6. I’ll think about it and let you know.
  7. You’re entitled to your opinion.
  8. Just what do you mean by that?
  9. I’ll try to keep it in mind.
  10. You want to run that by me again?
  11. Can you tell me the difference?

I’m trying to see your viewpoint-1

45 of 98

Out-neutral / Advice url


  1. Loose lips sink ships.
  2. Don’t get all worked up.
  3. Take it easy!
  4. Keep it under wraps.
  5. Don’t spill the beans.
  6. Grab a hold of yourself, don’t you have any self-control?
  7. Keep it to yourself.
  8. Don’t go overboard.
  9. You can’t take the law into your own hands.
  10. You got a good thing going, and I wouldn’t drop it so fast if I were you.
  11. Let it drop.


46 of 98

Out-neutral url


  1. Don’t make a snap decision.
  2. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  3. She just needs time.
  4. Sleep on it.
  5. Sit tight!
  6. It takes time.
  7. Be patient and cool your heels, because I fully expect that she’ll come around eventually.
  8. Keep your shirt on.
  9. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.


47 of 98

Out-neutral / Observation url

About Others – Negative-2

  1. She’s as skinny as a rail.
  2. She’s as cold as a fish.
  3. He’s loosing his nerve.
  4. She’s gone overboard, and I don’t see that there’s any restraint in what she’s doing.
  5. He’s torn apart inside.
  6. She’s crying her eyes out.
  7. She wouldn’t lift a finger.
  8. I don’t think he’ll be very pleased.
  9. I feel bad for him.
  10. He’s really off the wall.
  11. He’s having trouble making ends meet.
  12. His stomach’s a bottomless pit.
  13. He thinks that everything is coming to him.

About Others – Negative-2

48 of 98

Out-neutral / Negotiating url

Express your viewpoint

  1. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
  2. You go right ahead.
  3. Speak for yourself.
  4. Shoot from the hip.
  5. Why didn’t you say something?
  6. Put your money where your mouth is.
  7. That’s your opinion.
  8. You can talk to your heart’s content.
  9. Cat got your tongue?
  10. Judge for yourself.
  11. You’re a free agent.
  12. If you’ve get something to say, say it.
  13. Run it by me again.
  14. Come on, out with it.

Express your viewpoint