Total Phrases- 852

Scenes of In-positive

37 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

Using a new recipe for a meal

  1. I heard it directly from the horse’s mouth.
  2. Trust me I know what I’m doing.
  3. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
  4. Maybe that’s all I have to do to make it work.
  5. That’s the way I like it.
  6. It’s as easy as pie.
  7. I’ve done it before, I’m totally capable of doing it again.
  8. I can handle it myself.
  9. It’s as easy as that.
  10. It’s a piece of cake!
  11. I can do it with one hand tied behind my back.
  12. The proof is in the pudding.

Using a new recipe for a meal

38 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

After an appendix operation

  1. I feel like a new man.
  2. I know I’m on the road to recovery.
  3. I feel better than ever.
  4. Don’t worry about me.
  5. I’ll be fine.
  6. I get by with a little help from my friends.
  7. I’m not out of the woods yet, but I’m fully confident that I will be in no time at all.
  8. I’m patient and hopeful that it will all be for the best.
  9. I should be alright.
  10. It didn't make any sense not to do it.

After an appendix operation

39 of 79

In-positive / Confidence url

While being lost in a forest

  1. It’s no cause for alarm.
  2. There’s always a way.
  3. It won’t be long now.
  4. We can walk on our own two feet.
  5. I’m hoping for the best.
  6. We’ll be alright.
  7. I’m confident that I can do it by hook or by crook.
  8. Were in the home stretch.
  9. Let’s rise to the occasion.
  10. Keep a stiff upper lip.
  11. It’s just a rule of thumb that I use in situations like this.
  12. It’s just a matter of time until we’ll find a way out.
  13. It should be clear sailing from here on in.
  14. We’re making progress.

While being lost in a forest

40 of 79

In-positive / Relief url

Surviving after being lost in the desert for 3 days.

  1. I was on my last legs, and I didn’t think I could hold out much longer, when I was miraculously saved in the nick of time.
  2. I got through by the skin of my teeth.
  3. I don’t know how I did it.
  4. I got in just under the wire.
  5. At the end if was touch and go, and I was wondering if I was going to make it.
  6. Home, sweet, home.
  7. Things are finally getting back to normal.
  8. I was on my last legs.

Surviving after being lost in the desert for 3 days.

41 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

A friend becomes president of the company

  1. Goodness gracious.
  2. Well what do you know?
  3. It’s too good to be true.
  4. For goodness sakes.
  5. For heaven’s sake.
  6. It took us all by surprise.

A friend becomes president of the company

42 of 79

In-positive / Hope url

When your candidate is elected

  1. Maybe there’s hope for us yet.
  2. It could turn things around.
  3. Things are looking up.
  4. It’s the wave of the future.
  5. That’s a good sign.
  6. I hope to heaven that what you’re telling me is true.
  7. It took a long time to happen, but it was worth waiting for.
  8. At times we didn’t think it would be successful, but now it might be a dream come true.
  9. The best is yet to come.

When your candidate is elected

43 of 79

In-positive / Amazed url

General Amazement Situations

  1. I can’t believe how hot it is.
  2. Where is everybody?
  3. My goodness!
  4. Now that’s a good question.
  5. That must have cost you a pretty penny.
  6. He’s growing like a weed.
  7. The phone’s been ringing off the hook.
  8. Have I got a story to tell you!
  9. You don’t know the half of it.
  10. You’d never guess in a million years.
  11. It’s like he has eyes in the back of his head.
  12. Look at it come down, it’s raining cats and dogs.
  13. I can’t believe how cold it is.
  14. It boggles the mind just to imagine the possibilities.
  15. He’s the spitting image of him.
  16. What's your secret sauce?

General Amazement Situations

44 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

You win the lottery

  1. The experience was so strange that I felt I was entering into never-never land.
  2. You could have knocked me over with a feather.
  3. Oh my gosh!
  4. It happened just outta the blue.
  5. It really blew my mind.
  6. Can you believe it?
  7. Boy, I’m telling you.
  8. One thing happened after another, and suddenly I found myself in a position that was totally unexpected.

You win the lottery

45 of 79

In-positive / Determination url

Therapist with patient

  1. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
  2. This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
  3. I’m going to tell it to you straight, even if it means bursting your balloon.
  4. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  5. There’s nothing that we can’t do if we put our minds to it.
  6. Let’s not give up before we start.
  7. There are so many false starts, but it’s important that we don’t give up hope.
  8. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
  9. It doesn’t have to be that way.
  10. Unfortunately we often have to learn the hard way.
  11. Let’s start tying up loose ends.
  12. All beginnings are hard.
  13. Often just when we think it will be clear sailing from here on in, POW – something unexpected comes from out of the blue to blow our well laid plans to smithereens, and suddenly it’s back to the drawing board, forcing us to rethink the whole thing through from start to finish, from soup to nuts.

Therapist with patient

46 of 79

In-positive / Surprise url

Finding something after searching for it

  1. I looked all over the place for it, but all the time it was right under my nose.
  2. It seemed to disappear into thin air.
  3. I looked for it in the same place a hundred times, and it was right in front of eyes the whole time.
  4. It appeared out of thin air.
  5. It seemed to vanish off the face of the earth.
  6. I can’t believe I finally found it!
  7. Don’t that beat all?

Finding something after searching for it

47 of 79

In-positive / Happiness url

Getting jewelry as a present

  1. This really tickles my fancy.
  2. It fit’s like a glove.
  3. I’m tickled pink about it.
  4. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
  5. It looks just wonderful.
  6. It’s a winning combination.
  7. It makes all the difference in the world.

Getting jewelry as a present

48 of 79

In-positive / Remembering url

Meeting a friend from childhood

  1. Those were the good old days.
  2. Just for old time’s sake.
  3. There’s been a lot of water under the bridge since we saw each other last.
  4. It’s been a long time.
  5. I feel just like I was a little kid again.
  6. We go back a long way.
  7. From time to time I remember the good old days, the way things used to be.
  8. Our friendship goes back for as long as I can remember.
  9. I remember you from way back when, and you haven’t changed a bit.

Meeting a friend from childhood