Total Phrases- 377

Scenes of In-neutral

1 of 39

In-neutral / Caution url

A publisher given a story that might be libelous

  1. I just can’t chance it.
  2. I’m going to treat it with kid gloves.
  3. It could blow sky high.
  4. Let’s not rush into things.
  5. I may be sitting on a time bomb.
  6. One option is for is for me to just wait it out.
  7. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  8. It’s best if I wait until the whole thing blows over.
  9. I just don’t feel like bucking the system.
  10. I’m inclined to just tiptoe around the whole situation.
  11. I think if I got involved in any way I would be playing with fire.
  12. My gut feeling is that I should just leave it well enough alone.
  13. The fact that no one else wants to do it is not a good sign.
  14. I don't know the person involved from a hole in the wall, and I think I should regard that as a warning signal.

A publisher given a story that might be libelous

2 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Someone dropping the vase

  1. I don’t blame you for it.
  2. Boys will be boys.
  3. It’s over and done with.
  4. There’s one in every crowd.
  5. The damage is done.
  6. Things are rough all over.
  7. It’s not my place to judge.
  8. It’s been known to happen.
  9. I guess we’re just going to have to live without it.

Someone dropping the vase

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Not getting into the college that’s the first choice

  1. Now that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
  2. I think I’m just have to start getting used to it.
  3. That’s all there is to it.
  4. Let’s make the most of it.
  5. It’s just as well.
  6. You’ve got to take the good with the bad.

Not getting into the college that’s the first choice

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In-neutral / Caution url

Telling someone a secret

  1. The less said about it the better.
  2. Don’t breathe a word of it.
  3. I was sworn to secrecy.
  4. Mum’s the word.
  5. This could be something that I might come to regret.
  6. This might be against my better judgement.
  7. I have to ask myself, why am I doing this?

Telling someone a secret

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Finding that the pet parakeet passed away

  1. Here today, gone tomorrow.
  2. It’s a fact of life.
  3. These things don’t last forever.
  4. There’s nothing that I can do about it.
  5. It’s all for the best.
  6. You know how it is.
  7. Some good came of it.
  8. There’s a proper time for everything.
  9. It’s only natural.
  10. Nature takes its course.

Finding that the pet parakeet passed away

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Raining on the day of the picnic

  1. Life has its ups and downs.
  2. It was a chance we had to take.
  3. It’s just one of those things.
  4. Life is full of surprises.
  5. Whatever happens it will be for the best.
  6. What does that matter?
  7. There’s not much we can do about it.
  8. Perhaps it’s really a blessing in disguise.

Raining on the day of the picnic

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Asking someone for a date, and being told no

  1. I’m hearing the message loud and clear.
  2. All’s fair in love and war.
  3. Time heals all wounds.
  4. I could have guessed as much.
  5. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.
  6. It doesn’t matter to me in the least.
  7. I get the drift.
  8. That’s just the way people are.
  9. I don’t really mind.
  10. Love makes the world go around.
  11. Your wish is my command.
  12. You can’t say I didn’t try.

Asking someone for a date, and being told no

8 of 39

In-neutral / Acceptance url

Making money in the stock market

  1. That’s good news for a change.
  2. Another day, another dollar.
  3. And there you have it.
  4. When it’s smooth and easy it’s right.
  5. It all turned out for the best.
  6. Take the good with the bad, the bitter with the sweet.

Making money in the stock market

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In-neutral / Caution url

Investing a lot of money in a startup

  1. I think there’s danger lurking ahead.
  2. Something about the whole situation smells.
  3. I’m going to proceed with caution with all deliberate speed.
  4. I’m going to get to the bottom of it.
  5. It’s too early to tell.
  6. The stakes are high.
  7. I’m going to try to be patient.
  8. Everything’s up in the air.
  9. Is the potential reward worth the risk?
  10. It might be too good to be true.
  11. It might be like reaching for the moon.
  12. It might take a while before the truth comes out.
  13. I can’t have it both ways.
  14. I shouldn’t count my chickens before they’re hatched.
  15. I might be making a big mistake.
  16. Don’t get too comfortable, because the situation is fluid and unpredictable, and could change at any moment.
  17. Let's give it time, and see how it plays out, because there could be a considerable upside potential.

Investing a lot of money in a startup

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Being bypassed for a promotion

  1. That’s life in the fast lane.
  2. What’s done is done.
  3. I guess it’s the way it had to be.
  4. Maybe it’s all for the best.
  5. It doesn’t really matter one way or another.
  6. That’s the way people are.
  7. It’s not that important.
  8. I’m humbled.
  9. Go right ahead, I don’t mind.
  10. We should just learn from our mistakes.
  11. You’re the boss.
  12. Let’s chalk it up to experience.

Being bypassed for a promotion

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In-neutral / Caution url

Thinking of entering an abandoned house

  1. I’m not running so fast to go there.
  2. It just doesn’t sit right with me.
  3. In my opinion I’ll be lucky if I survive by the skin of my teeth.
  4. I sense that this might be something I might live to regret.
  5. I’m going to take one step at a time.
  6. Something undesirable could happen at any time at the drop of the hat.
  7. I think I’ve gotten about as far as I’m going to get.
  8. I’m on the look-out.
  9. Hold your horses.
  10. I can’t chance it.
  11. Are you crazy, why on earth would I ever try to do something like that?

Thinking of entering an abandoned house

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In-neutral / Acceptance url

Planting a tree

  1. It’s just a question of time.
  2. We’ll see results in no time at all.
  3. All good things take time.
  4. It’ll come in time.
  5. It will do for a start.
  6. That’s all that’s necessary.
  7. I’ll do my part and let nature take its course.
  8. Before you know it.

Planting a tree