All Scenes - 402 Total Phrases- 4513

271 of 402

In-positive / Realizing url

Realizing that the maid has been stealing money

  1. There’s no way around it.
  2. I hate to admit it.
  3. It slipped out of her mouth and she showed his true colors.
  4. I now see her as she really is.
  5. I’ve had a hunch for the longest time.
  6. It’s finally out in the clear for everyone to see.
  7. She finally let the cat out of the bag and told us what really happened.
  8. I heard it through the grape vine.
  9. I suspected as much.
  10. I should have known.
  11. I know it sounds far-fetched, but I kid you not.
  12. Perhaps I should have seen that coming.
  13. In retrospect, I was blind as a bat.

Realizing that the maid has been stealing money